My strategy for concealing the letters and numbers within my level will start at the micro scale and work up toward the macro. However, this will not coincide with the subliminal nature of any of my reveals. For instance, I may have a macro scale reveal, which is subliminal. Within the trailer there will be obvious (non-subliminal) and subliminal reveals.
The Memorial Block - The first combination of D6 will come up on a memorial block, and it will simply have D6 stamped on to it. This is a small reveal but quite an obvious one.
The Graffiti - The second combination will be spray painted onto the wall of the shed at the top of a hill among other graffiti tags. It will be clear to see only if you know what you're looking for.
The Cave Rocks - This will be a set of rocks that, when seen from a certain perspective, will reveal the combination of D6. This is a macro, yet subliminal reveal, as the combination can only be made out from a certain angle.
Dried Blood - The letter and number D6 will be written on the wall of an enter-able house in blood, and will flash up onto the wall with a light projector through the use of a delay timer in a flowgraph. This will make it a mid-level, yet un-subliminal reveal, as once projected it will be easy to make out.
Cliff and Castle - My final combination is both the biggest and possibly most subliminal. The D6 will be made up of a rock formation on a cliff and the broken walls of a castle, sitting 100 or so metres apart, which can only be made out from 1 point in the level.
In the lecture we were shown how artists have created words/letters/numbers out of the environment, and how previous students hid their letter/number combination.
My personal favourite was the ability to project a decal onto an entity.
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