Wednesday, 30 October 2013


My strategy for the decay of my building, is that after 100 years without any human interaction, mother nature will have almost completely taken back the entire planet.

Firstly the destruction of the Rudin House. It is made almost completely of reinforced concrete. This will last a long time, but eventually, water will corrode it, and plants will break it apart. The parts to be first affected will likely be those closest to the ground, so the 4 support columns and the stairs will be the first to go. Also, once one column breaks, the building will lose around 20% of its support, and so, with the other 80% support being weak as well, the whole thing will come down and break most of it apart.

There is also the wood and glass materials of the house to consider. In my opinion, wood and glass will not last 100 years, the wood will fall apart and be eaten by termites or something similar, and the glass will break apart and be ground into dust long before the structure gives way.

Once this has occured, with the building being even closer to the ground, mother nature will take hold. Moss will likely grow in great quantities, bushes will grow in corners where sedement builds up from rain, and trees will grow from the ground, through any cavities in the building.

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